Sunrise, July 7, 2012
Outer Banks, North Carolina
We had a fabulous vacation, the weather was perfect, everything about the entire week was perfect.
Now it's time to get back to work. We left on the 30th of June after a fierce storm the night before. We lost power just after 9pm as we were loading the car. Our area of Virginia was the hardest hit, power still has not been restored in some areas and it's been 10 days. I was up the following morning at 3am trying to rescue as many plants as I could. We also had a 60 foot tree drop within 20 yards of our home. By 5am we were on the road in search of coffee, dodging trees and debris everywhere. We picked a great week to be gone. Back home now, lots of work to get done. Will post vacation photos soon.
Have a great week.
Glad to hear you didn't experience any damage from the storm. Hard to believe some folks still don't have power back. I'm still doing our vacation washing over here. Best wishes, Tammy
My brother and his wife just got their power back last night. Some that got power back on Sunday, lost it again. There are crews here from as far away as Texas, God bless them. I did all our laundry the night before we left the beach, glad I thought of it!
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