Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wish upon a star...

Wish upon a star. 8 x 8 canvas.
A few weeks before Christmas, I was working on a piece of art for a very dear friend. I wanted to make a cat for her piece and had my hubby look online for a pattern. He found one and printed it out and then cut me a cat. I wasn't happy with it at all, it looked too much like it had been cut from a pattern. Well, of course it did. I grabbed a piece of patterned paper and cut a cat freehand. Not an easy task when you cannot see very well and aren't supposed to play with sharp objects. Long story short...I love my cat. This was the second one, first one went on her piece and it's my favorite. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo before giving the gift. Silly me! It was a much larger piece, 16 x 20 and also had a big flower on it with the message "life is beautiful".
Life is beautiful as we prepare for the new year.
Have a beautiful day.

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