Tuesday, November 15, 2011


hold a true friend with both your hands
Image courtesy of Pringle Hill Studio
I've had a number of close friends over the years but only one true, best friend. Not only was she my best friend, she was the sister I never had and she was my stepmom. We became even closer in 1998 when she and my father relocated here and we saw each other almost every day. Next month is the 3 year anniversary of her passing, she was only 54 and I still miss her very much. If you have a special friend in your life, make sure they know how wonderful they are.
Have an opportunity to have my mixed media work in a new gallery that is opening in Bedford and in my spare time have been working on several pieces on canvas. Also, played a bit with watercolor last night and have a long list of challenges that I'm working on. Never a dull moment!

Hope your week is going great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a BUSY gal!! This piece is sweet.